IC1318 Butterfly Nebula
Butterfly Nebula is part of the Sadr region of emission gases. Each of
the wings of the butterfly are about 50 light-years across and lie
about 3700 light-years from Earth. Sadr, also called Gamma Cygni, is
the bight star at the right. Open cluster NGC6910 can be seen at
the top-right, and dark nebula B 347 appears as a small arrow
in the center of the left wing of the butterfly. It should be noted
that tiny planetary nebula NGC6302,
the Bug Nebula, is sometimes also called the Butterfly Nebula.
North is
at the top.
Orion ED80 Doublet Refractor with AT2FF Field Flattener,
Celestron CI-700 Mount
Orion StarShoot Pro V2 one-shot color
QHY5L-IIM through Orion Deluxe OAG, PHD guiding software
(18) 10 min
Nebulosity, PhotoShop CS2
08-06-2016, Tierra del Sol, CA. Average seeing.