Soul Nebula
The IC1848
Soul Nebula is named such simply because it is located right next to
the IC1805 Heart Nebula. Both are about 7500 light-years from
Earth and each covers a span of about 250 light-years. Like
the Heart Nebula, the Soul Nebula is made of ionized
hydrogen gas excited by the
stars of open clusters within the nebula. The field
of view of
the Soul Nebula is about 2 degrees, or 4 times wider
than the moon. The Heart
Nebula is about 2 degree off the top-right corner. North
is at the top.
Scope/Mount: Orion ED80 Doublet Refractor with AstroTech AT2FF
Field Flattener, Celestron CI-700 Mount
Orion StarShoot Pro V2 one-shot color
QHY5L-IIM through Orion Deluxe OAG, PHD guiding software
(24) 10 min
Nebulosity, PhotoShop CS2
10-01-16, Tierra del Sol, CA, good conditions.