IC1805 Heart Nebula Detail
The above image is the middle 1/3 of the Heart Nebula, showing open cluster Melotte 15. Located 7500 light-years from Earth and covering a span of 250 light-years, the Heart Nebula is made of ionized hydrogen gas excited by the stars of the open cluster. The entire field of view of the Heart Nebula is about 2 degrees, or 4 times wider than the moon. North is at the top.

Scope/Mount: AstroTech AT8RC 8" F8 Ritchey-Chretien with Astro-Physics CCDT67 Focal Reducer, Celestron CI-700 Mount

Camera: Orion StarShoot Pro V2 one-shot color
Guiding: QHY5L-IIM through Orion Deluxe OAG, PHD guiding software
Exposure: (6) 10 min
Software: Nebulosity, PhotoShop CS2
Comment: 09-05-15, Tierra del Sol, CA, good conditions.