NGC7000 North America Nebula
NGC7000 is a large emission nebula covering 2 deg. of field-of-view. Just to the lower-right is the IC5070 Pelican Nebula that seems to be studying the map of North America. They are actually part of the same region of Ha gas, ionized by a nearby star which results in the redish color. The size of the entire region is believed to be 100 light-years, with a distance of 1,800 light-years from Earth. North is at the top.

Scope/Mount: StellarVue SV70T Refractor with SFFR-70APO Focal-reducer/Field-flattener, Celestron CI-700 Mount
Camera: ZWO ASI1600MMC monochrome with ZWO LRGB filters
Guiding: QHY5L-IIM through Orion Thin OAG, PHD guiding software
Exposure: L (90) 120 sec @ gain=80, RGB: each channel (10) 120 sec @ gain=139
Software: Nebulosity, PhotoShop CS2
Comment: 07-27-2019, Tierra del Sol, CA, good conditions.