Helix Nebula
as the "Eye of God", the
Helix Nebula is a planetary nebula
formed when a star
expired and gave off gases which then became energized by the
in the center. At 700 light-years from Earth, it is one of the closest
bright planetary nebulas. Spanning over 2 light-years across, it's age
is about 10,000 years. North
is at
the top.
Scope/Mount: TS-Optics PhotoLine 130mm F7 APO Refractor with Astro-Tech
AREDT30 Focal-Reducer/Field-flattener, Celestron CI-700 Mount
Camera: ZWO ASI1600MMC monochrome with ZWO LRGB and Ha, Oiii, Sii filters
QHY5L-IIM through Orion Deluxe OAG, PHD guiding software
Exposure: Ha:(18) 300 secs @ gain=300, Oiii:(18) 300 secs @ gain=300, RGB: each channel (10) 120 sec @ gain=200
Software: Nebulosity, Pixinsight
Comment: 09-28-2024, Tierra del Sol, CA, good conditions. Palette = HHO plus RGB for stars.