Sh2-9 Nebula and Friends
Sh2-9 is an emission and reflection nebula that lies about 570 light-years from us. The emission part is the red portion just below the bright star in the center of the image. The reflection part is the blue portion that surrounds the star. Globular Cluster M4 is at the left, and is actually over 10 times futher away at 7000 light-years. Another globular cluster, NGC6144 is also in view at the top and somewhat left of center. The gold-colered area behind it is part of the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex. Also part of the same cloud complex is reflection nebula IC4603, which is the light blue area at the top-right. North is to the right.

Scope/Mount: StellarVue SV70T Refractor with SFFR-70APO Focal-reducer/Field-flattener, Celestron CI-700 Mount
Camera: ZWO ASI1600MMC monochrome with ZWO LRGB filters
Guiding: QHY5L-IIM through Orion Thin OAG, PHD guiding software
Exposure: L:(75) 120 secs @ gain=139, Ha: (5) 300 secs @ gain = 300, RGB: each channel (10) 120 sec @ gain=200
Software: Nebulosity, Pixinsight
Comment: 06-01-2024, Tierra del Sol, CA, some dew. Pallette = LRGB, with Ha used as a mask to enhance the emission part of Sh2-9.