
mm f/7 FPL53 Triplet APO
- Very
good optics.
- Good
bang for the buck.
- Comes
with dual-speed rack-and-pinion focuser.
- Good
quality throughout.
- No
- Heavy
front, may require ankle-weight at back for balance.
- Not
perfectly free of chromatic aberration.
scope is made in Germany and offered by Teleskop Service. I originally
tried to
get the Astro-Tech AT130, but after being nudged out of
availability for over a year I decided to get this instead. Teleskop
Service communicates well and delivery was actually quicker than they
quoted. After taking a few images, I'm convinced I'll be keeping this
scope for many years.
The front of this scope is heavy due to
the high-quality FPL53 glass. To balance, you can either move the scope
back in the saddle, or
do what I did: Add an ankle-weight just in front of the focuser. That
way the scope can remain in the middle of the saddle, which
the scope to swing further down without the rear hitting the
tripod legs.
field-flattening, I use the AstroTech ATREDT30 as
a Focal-Reducer/Field-Flattener. It works well, but for best results
you need to carefully fine-tune the spacing to match the scope. For no
focal-length reduction, the AstroTech AT2FF Field-Flattener works well
and is more forgiving about spacing requirements.

SV70T 70 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet APO
- Very
good optics.
- Moderately-priced.
- Comes
with dual-speed rack-and-pinion focuser.
- Great
quality throughout.
- No
- Light
- Fine-tuning
the spacing of the StellarVue SFFR-70APO Focal-Reducer/Field-Flattener
is touchy (as with any short fast refractor).
is a fun scope for imaging. The wide field often displays more than one
object. Guiding requirements are not as stringent, as with longer
focal-lengths. And it's so light weight, I can almost use it without a
counter-weight. But as mentioned above, fine-tuning the spacing between
the Focal-Reducer/Field-Flattener and the camera takes time, and
increments as small as 0.1mm!

ZWO ASI1600MM Pro Kit
- Active
CMOS technology - very good signal/noise ratio.
- Lowest cost solution
for LRGB and narrowband imaging.
- Filter
quality is surprising good.
- Modern
amenities - light weight, reliable, TEC cooling, fast download.
noise requires different technique than CCD (higher gain, shorter
- Sensor
size is a little small for my liking.
- Cross-pattern
on bright stars caused by micro-lens effect is a little annoying.
- Not
latest technology - The new Sony IMX sensors offer noticeable
earlier versions of this camera had problems with glow areas, and with
taking the short-exposures needed to yield a master-flat.
"Pro" version has none of these problems - It's almost like a different
camera. The key to using these cameras is to set the gain high, take
short exposures, and stack a lot of subs. Then you'll see that an hour
of data from this camera is better than an hour of data from a typical
CCD camera.
Some people are bothered by the cross-pattern that
appears on very bright stars due to the micro-lens effect. But it's
subtle - I didn't even notice it until after I read about it.
people also say the filters have problems, including
To me they work fine, but then I haven't tried any other filters, so
maybe I just don't know what I'm missing.
Altogether, I'm quite pleased with this camera, and would only upgrade
because the technology has moved ahead ... again.
CI-700 Mount
is a heavy-duty GEM that used to be produced by Celestron to support
their C-11 and C-14 SCTs from 1999 to 2003. It's basically a cheaper
version of the Losmandy G-11. Although hard to find, some consider it
one of the best bargains in the used mount market. In general I'm very
happy with this mount, and it serves well for both observing and
- Low Periodic Error (typically
10-15 arc-sec)
- Very Sturdy
- Smooth Drive Corrections (easy
to guide)
- Manual Slow-motion Controls
- Slow Slew Speeds
- Polar-finder is small and
- Clutches may slip and bind
(can be fixed)
I've modified the CI700 to improve the action of the clutches, and to
allow for quicker and easier set up. See CI700 Mods.
QHYCCD QHY5-IIM Guide Camera:
I was surprised at how easy it
is to find guide-stars when this camera is used with an OAG. There was
also an
immediate improvement in
guiding accuracy, probably due to strong
signal/noise ratio
that allows more accurate calculation of the star
position. Highly
- Very sensitive (QE = 70%),
despite being CMOS, 2X2 bin mode = more sensitivity.
- Video, so it can be
used for lunar/planetary imaging.
- Small size, light weight.
- Low cost compared to other
sensitive guide cameras.
- Long back-focus
of 17mm may present problems when trying to reach focus on an
OAG, but nose-piece can be removed.
AT8RC 8"
- Great
bang for the buck!
- True
Ritchey-Chretien, with no coma
or chromatic aberration.
- Capable
of superb images with well-shaped
stars across the entire image.
- Plenty
of back focus accommodates just about any imaging setup.
- Comes
with dual-speed focuser.
- Open
front eliminates dew problems.
- Field
flattener required, as with all Ritchey-Chretiens.
- Flexure
between the primary mirror cell and focuser
necessitates use of OAG and requires frequent
- Collimation
instructions in manual are not good for imaging.
- Focuser
is adequate, but somewhat erratic.
All Ritchey-Chretiens
suffer from field curvature and astigmatism, which results in
oblong stars at the edge of the image. This is not coma - the
are evenly elongated toward and away from the center of the
image. Fortunately
this problem is magically fixed by using a proven field
such as the Astro-Tech ATFF2 or the Astro-Physics CCDT67.
See my page of
AT8RC Collimation tips
eventually sold this scope after getting tired of collimating it,
sometimes twice in an imaging session! But since then I've heard that
the 10" version has less collimation drift
because the
focuser is attached directly to the back of the scope
of the mirror cell.
Orion ED80 APO
- Good, wide-angle performance
for the price.
- No coma, like all refractors.
- Semi-apochromatic with ED
(Extra-low Dispersion) glass results in small amount of
chromatic aberration.
- Light enough to
double as a guide-scope.
- Not a true apochromatic triplet.
StarShoot Pro V2
- Along with the
QYH8, perhaps the best bang-for-the-buck for a used CCD
one-shot-color camera.
- Real Astro-CCD features:
Thermal-electric cooling (TEC) and 16-bit A/D.
- Large pixels results in very
good sensitivity.
- IR-cut filter is not
aggressive (allows plenty of red).
- Low current draw - 1 amp.
- Proven reliability.
- Large pixels limit resolution
when you zoom-in-and-crop.
- TEC is unregulated and limited
to 30 deg C. below ambient.
- Download is slow, about 10

Orion Deluxe OAG:
- Sturdy, well designed unit.
- 100 degrees rotation without
detaching from camera.
- Adjustable tilt pick-off
- Threaded top of turret rotates
for guide camera focus.
- Comes with plenty
of T-thread spacers and 2" front adapter.
- Not a "thin" OAG, adds 30mm to
back focus requirement.
For a few years I
used the OTA from a Meade 8" LX50 SCT for long focal-length imaging.
The optical quality was
good, but not great. There is an expected degree of coma at the edge of
the field-of-view, and the corrector lens in front presents dew
problems. Over time I finally decided to upgrade to
a Ritchey-Chretien.
ADM Side-by-side Platform:
a few years I mounted the Meade SCT and the ED80 on a
platform which allowed imaging or
guiding through either scope. It's a convenient setup, being
to switch between wide-angle or higher magnification
at will. But flexure problems with the new AT8RC forced me to change to
an off-axis-guider.
Before that, the ED80
mounted on the SCT piggy-back style, but sometimes
there wasn't enough room to get my head in for finding, framing, or
focusing. Switching to a side-by-side platform solved that by allowing
plenty of room.
Philips ToUCam
Pro 740 Webcam:
usable as a guide camera through a guide-scope, it just doesn't have
the sensitivity to guide well on anything other than very
stars. Guiding was sometimes decent, but never great. Don't even think
of using it with an OAG. I upgraded to a QHYCCD QHY5-IIM and never
looked backed.
Nikon D50 is a DSLR (digital single lens reflex) camera that uses one
of the new generation of full-size format, low-noise high-sensitivity
CCD chips. It's similar to the Canon EOS series, except the
D50 cannot be
controlled by computer software such as Backyard EOS. I had to focus
using a par-focal eyepiece, and start/stop exposures using the Nikon
"clicker". Canons or later model Nikons don't have these problems.
Nikon Infra-red Filter:
digital cameras have an IR filter because CCD sensors are overly
sensitive to red light. The result is that emission nebula lacks that
vivid red we love to see, although other objects will image just fine.
Removing the IR filter is difficult, but the links page
may give you ideas on how to remove it.
Meade 8"
2nd scope was a Meade 8" LX50. Like most SCTs, it offers a good
compromise between quality and cost. Using the same fork-arms as the
LX200, it may be the sturdiest mount of any mass-produced fork-arm
design. It served well for observing and a limited
amount of
film-based imaging. Later, I mounted the OTA (optical tube
assembly) to a Celestron
CI700 mount for better and easier guiding.
Jason Schmidt-Newtonian
1st scope was an inexpensive one from a department-store, complete with
wobbly tripod.
But it presented me those first wonderful sights of the rings of Saturn
and the Orion Nebula., and propelled my interest in astronomy. I even
used it to take photos of the 1991 Solar Eclipse and comet Hale-Bopp.
The camera was mounted on the scope piggy-back, and I used the
slow-motion knobs to
track. (That's right, slowly turning the R/A knob while looking through
the eyepiece!)